.+. 13 junho, 2005 .+.

can you make me smile?!

Can you make me smile? By me...* hope you like to see my face for the very first time!

Never say I love you if you don't really care

Never talk of feelings If they aren't really there

Never hold my hand If you mean to break my heart

Never say forever If you ever plan to part

Never look into my eyes If you are telling me a lie

Never say hello If you think you'll say goodbye

Never say that I'm THE one If you dream of more than me

Never lock up my heart If you don't have the key

.+.Por Luisa 4:01 da tarde
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.+. Perfil .+.

.+.Nome: Luisa
.+.Signo: Touro
.+.Vive: Bountyland

.+. Passado .+.

Sim... como TU disseste foi um erro eu ter nascido...
mundo encantado
Hoje tive um dia simplesmente maravilhoso! =DMas e...
Dia da Criança
E um dia eu estava a passear... despreocupada... a...
MY explanation

.+. Links .+.

.+.Dark Manson
.+.Way Of Butterflies
.+.Welcome to My Life

.+. Link-me .+.